THE CHOIR'S 120 Years of singing
This Year 2023, marks the 120th year of our choir's existence, and to mark the occasion a special commemorative mug has been designed and distributed to current choir members and to others have who supported us through recent years.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them
Click on the pictures to enlarge them

A token of appreciation from Pye Hill & District Male Voice Choir was presented to Barrie Briggs on the occasion of his 90th birthday by by Chairman John Pritchard, February2024

A Certificate of Patronage was presented to John Halford for his tireless work in making and selling bird boxes, the proceeds going to support choir funds. The certificate was presented to John by Chairman John Pritchard, March 2024

A Certificate of Patronage was presented to Brian Butler for his extremely generous gift of our new 'Summer Uniform'
Again, the certificate was presented to Brian by Chairman John Pritchard, March 2024
Presidents trophy awarded to:
2016 - David Braithwait

At the recent Annual General Meetingof the Pye Hill & District Male Voice Choir, Edward Holmes, Choir President, presented for the first time a substantial silver cup and stand that he had long considered commissioning to recognize outstanding contribution made by individual members of the choir. This will now be awarded annually to recognize commitment, achievement and hard work on behalf of the choir.
Edward presented the ‘Presidents Cup’ for the first time to Dave Braithwait, Chairman, soloist and long standing member of the choir in recognition of his continued leadership and flexibility in responding to many challenges encountered, but above all his motivational influence on all choir members, which had led to continual improvement and achievement in recent years.
In his address, Edward said that "it continued to be a privilege and a pleasure to be president of the choir. Looking back on the last year the choir had undertaken seventeen concerts and engagements, including a tour to Durham and were well equipped to once again meet the challenge of a full, varied and exciting concert programme for 2016 and that he was proud of the choir’s continued achievements".
Dave Braithwait was warmly congratulated by all members and thanked Edward for his generous award. The choir unanimously endorsed Edward’s choice of Dave as a very worthy recipient.
E. Holmes - President. January 2016
Edward presented the ‘Presidents Cup’ for the first time to Dave Braithwait, Chairman, soloist and long standing member of the choir in recognition of his continued leadership and flexibility in responding to many challenges encountered, but above all his motivational influence on all choir members, which had led to continual improvement and achievement in recent years.
In his address, Edward said that "it continued to be a privilege and a pleasure to be president of the choir. Looking back on the last year the choir had undertaken seventeen concerts and engagements, including a tour to Durham and were well equipped to once again meet the challenge of a full, varied and exciting concert programme for 2016 and that he was proud of the choir’s continued achievements".
Dave Braithwait was warmly congratulated by all members and thanked Edward for his generous award. The choir unanimously endorsed Edward’s choice of Dave as a very worthy recipient.
E. Holmes - President. January 2016
2017 - malcolm scott hill

When choosing this year's recipient of the President’s Cup we had three very worthy names and each was seriously considered
However it was felt that one member had gone that extra mile on so many occasions and has made such a significant impact that we have agreed to choose Malcolm Hill this year.
In his position as Concert Secretary Malcolm is constantly striving to achieve and promote concerts throughout the year. He excels out of his remit with his ideas for promoting the choir and encouraging recruitment. Additionally in his capacity of Publicity Officer, when a new member joins our choir his natural friendly personality does so much to encourage retention as well as recruitment. He truly cares about every chorister, keeping absent members up to date with informative and personal emails.
Malcolm is a truly valuable member who has constantly gone above and beyond and it is a real pleasure to present the President’s Trophy to him for 2017.
E. Holmes - President. January 2017
However it was felt that one member had gone that extra mile on so many occasions and has made such a significant impact that we have agreed to choose Malcolm Hill this year.
In his position as Concert Secretary Malcolm is constantly striving to achieve and promote concerts throughout the year. He excels out of his remit with his ideas for promoting the choir and encouraging recruitment. Additionally in his capacity of Publicity Officer, when a new member joins our choir his natural friendly personality does so much to encourage retention as well as recruitment. He truly cares about every chorister, keeping absent members up to date with informative and personal emails.
Malcolm is a truly valuable member who has constantly gone above and beyond and it is a real pleasure to present the President’s Trophy to him for 2017.
E. Holmes - President. January 2017

The President presented "Certificates of Achievement" Awards to Roger Easom and to Frank Kenney in recognition of their long service to the choir as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Presentation on Monday 13th February 2017.
- 2018 John Halford

Since joining the choir, John has been a regular attender at both rehearsals and concerts. He has constantly supported choir activities and aspirations, including:
Recruitment of a new choir member and constantly trying to persuade others he knows to join the choir
He obtained for us the very successful concert at Stanley Common Church and sold tickets locally to help make it a sell-out event.
John is sponsoring us personally by making and selling bird boxes, bat boxes, bird tables etc. and has so far (Feb.'18) raised in excess of £850. This is being used to sponsor charity concerts. John has absorbed a fair bit of the cost of timber himself and looks on it as a donation to the choir. He has arranged a further concert at his own church at Kirk Hallam, sponsored by the sale of the bird boxes.
During 2017, John has undertaken a number of tasks on behalf of the choir, e.g, fixing a recruitment banner to the Dale Club, making a presentation gift for the retiring President and making stands for the MD and also putting Malcolm in touch with the Ilkeston Press who ran a recruiting article for us.
John is of a pleasant, kind disposition who shows concern for other choir members and in his own quiet way has made a significant contribution to the choir since joining and particularly over the last year and has become a valued member of the second tenor section of the choir. John has been an outstanding role model within the choir and his level of commitment deserves
both recognition and acknowledgement and fully deserves to be the recipient of the President’s Cup for 2018
extract from AGM minutes January 2018
Recruitment of a new choir member and constantly trying to persuade others he knows to join the choir
He obtained for us the very successful concert at Stanley Common Church and sold tickets locally to help make it a sell-out event.
John is sponsoring us personally by making and selling bird boxes, bat boxes, bird tables etc. and has so far (Feb.'18) raised in excess of £850. This is being used to sponsor charity concerts. John has absorbed a fair bit of the cost of timber himself and looks on it as a donation to the choir. He has arranged a further concert at his own church at Kirk Hallam, sponsored by the sale of the bird boxes.
During 2017, John has undertaken a number of tasks on behalf of the choir, e.g, fixing a recruitment banner to the Dale Club, making a presentation gift for the retiring President and making stands for the MD and also putting Malcolm in touch with the Ilkeston Press who ran a recruiting article for us.
John is of a pleasant, kind disposition who shows concern for other choir members and in his own quiet way has made a significant contribution to the choir since joining and particularly over the last year and has become a valued member of the second tenor section of the choir. John has been an outstanding role model within the choir and his level of commitment deserves
both recognition and acknowledgement and fully deserves to be the recipient of the President’s Cup for 2018
extract from AGM minutes January 2018

Roger has been a member of Pye Hill for over 20 years with much of this spent as treasurer. He had to give up his treasurers role due to family commitments but still found time to give as much assistance as was required to his successor.
After the sad passing of his wife Mary, Roger threw himself into the family of Pye Hill always willing to voice an opinion and help his fellow bass singers. It wasn't long before he took back the role of treasurer once again carrying out his duties to an extremely high standard
As a committee member he never sits back but will always be fully involved with any discussions and never afraid of sharing his views and opinions, often putting a logical rather than emotional slant to decision making.
Roger is a valued and respected member of Pye Hill MVC and long may this remain.
President Cup Recipients:
2020 - Barry Briggs - commitment to the choir shown by returning early from holiday to sing in a concert and then returning to holiday the following day.
2022 - david gibbon

David has been a member of the Pye Hill and District Male Voice Choir for over 10 years singing in the 2nd Tenor Section.
He was awarded the Presdent's Trophy this year for his work in many aspects of the choir's music making:
- i) rehearsing and then conducting the choir in concerts when required.
- ii) rehearsing and the accompanying some soloists in concert
- iii) making practice tracks for all singers and making them available either on CD or via 'dropbox'
v) running Zoom sessions during the long lockdown, to keep us all singing and hopefully learning! our music and very importantly keeping us all talking and socialising as best we could under the circumstances.
2023 - peter Frogson

Peter has been a keen member of the choir for many years and has held the key-role of Librarian to the choir. The trophy was presented to Peter by Jason Darnell, President and Assistant MD of the choir. 07.03.23
2024 - Les Martin
Les Martin is an invaluable member of the choir, singing top-Tenor. Les was the only top-Tenor available to sing with the choir in our concerts in the Lake District last year( 2023) Not only does he learn his choir music diligently, but has also sung solos at various concerts and choir parties.
His other considerable contribution to the choir is the transporting and setting up of the choir stage piano and amplification in our various concert-venues.
Les has also been instrumental in overseeing the refurbishment of the actual President's trophy which now stands erect on its new base (it hadn't before) and with the committee's approval has been re-designated "The Colin Dutton Trophy" for excellence in contributing to the choir (photo to follow!)
His other considerable contribution to the choir is the transporting and setting up of the choir stage piano and amplification in our various concert-venues.
Les has also been instrumental in overseeing the refurbishment of the actual President's trophy which now stands erect on its new base (it hadn't before) and with the committee's approval has been re-designated "The Colin Dutton Trophy" for excellence in contributing to the choir (photo to follow!)
other awards to:
After serving 25 years with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Edward returned to his native Ashfield and soon became involved in the local community, together with wife Hilda in 1999 they formed the B.A.D.J.E.R. organisation, which is still flourishing today. Edward was also founder chairman of the Portland path group, which is also still going strong. Both he and Hilda are active Christians. From 1997 to 2006 Edward served on Ashfield Distrct Council and was twice elected Civic Chairman. Whist performing his civic duties as Chairman, he first became involved with the Pye Hill and District Male Voice Choir when attending the centenary concert in 2003. Edward was invited to become president soon after, a position he is proud to hold to this day. He continues to significantly help guide and support the the choir as it grows, both in numbers and in repertoire.
Musical Director - 2009 - 2018 Mrs Christine Buxton

Christine is an established teacher of singing and piano with over 30 years' experience. She is a member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians. Christine has performed in several operas — ’Annina' in La Traviata, ’Gertrude' in Hansel and Gretal and ’Gretal’ in Bizet’s Carmen, to name but a few. She has also performed in stage musicals, The King and l, South Pacific, Carousel, as well as several Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. CHristine has sung in a concert performance in the organ room at Glyndebourne Opera House and is a regular soloist for the Bulgarian Choir, ‘The Voice of Hope’. Additionally, Christine has performed in many master classes directed by Paul Hamburger, Laura Sarti, Margaret Lenski, lsla Wolfe, Robin Bowman and Jonathan Hinden.
Presentations on behalf of thechoir to Christine Buxton by Concert Secretary, Malcolm Hill; Chairman, David Braithwait; and Secretary David Gee.
MUSICAL DIRECTOR: Linda DArnell - 2018 - 2023Linda Darnell F.I.S.M, L.R.A.M, A.R.C.M, A.L.A.M.
Linda studied at the Birmingham Conservatoire and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London. Within her extensive stage and broadcasting career, Linda toured nationally with the D'oyly Carte Opera Company and Handel Opera London, singing in numerous productions at Sadlers Wells, the Savoy Theatre, the Adelphi Theatre, the South Bank and Covent Garden Opera House. Further afield her performances have taken her as far as Nongoma in South Africa and Sydney Opera House, Australia. Locally Linda was part of East Midlands Music Theatre where she gave the world premier of the operas 'The Ghost of a Hand' by John Ogden and 'Moonflowers' by Tony Arnell. Linda has conducted and mentored many local choirs and societies, including the 'Underwood and Bagthorpe Ladies Choir', 'The Underwood Singers', 'The Chatsworth Singers', 'Ravenshead Gilbert and Sullivan Society' and her own ensembles 'Cantorum' and the 'Darnell Singers'. Linda also teaches singing, gives master classes, lectures, and talks about her life in music. Linda was made a Fellow of the Incorporated Society of Musicians for her long service in the music industry as a performer, conductor and teacher. Linda sadly resigned from her role as MD through ill-health in March 2023 |
The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
50 years in singing

At a concert in June 2019, at St Mary's Church in Bulwell, Colin Dutton, (1st Tenor) was presented with a trophy marking his 50 years in singing - Congratulations Colin.
In the programme, Colin sang a solo titled 'Parted';
he also sang solo and conducted the choir in the traditional Russian song 'Kalinka'
In the programme, Colin sang a solo titled 'Parted';
he also sang solo and conducted the choir in the traditional Russian song 'Kalinka'